May 2011
E-mail has become part and parcel of our daily lives, whether it’s in the office or even among family and friends. Getting in touch with people has never been easier, more convenient, or more instantaneous because of technology. With e-mail becoming so accessible these days thanks to the onslaught of smartphones, high-speed Internet, and wi-fi, many of the do’s and don’ts of e-mail have become easily overlooked.
Keep these basic tips in mind before hitting send, and maintain that sense of propriety and etiquette at all times, no matter what type of message you plan on delivering.
BCC Benefits.
Not everyone appreciates having their names and e-mail addresses published, especially in letters that are sent out in bulk. When e-mailing a big number of people, use the BCC feature instead to keep everyone’s identity private, or go the extra mile and send your message out individually.
Subject Counts.
The subject field in every letter you send out is important—it gives your recipients a quick idea as to what your letter contains. Be particular about what you type in—go for a specific subject title, rather than something vague so your message is not overlooked.
Stay Succinct.
Reserve long drawn out stories for face-to-face conversations or even snail mail—shorter messages are more appropriate for e-mail. The same goes for any heavy attachments—small photo files are acceptable, but large files that can take up memory are better sent after you ask your recipient whether it’s all right to send out a big file first.
Watch your Keyboard.
Be wary of typing everything in all-caps for emphasis—using this format is the equivalent of shouting online and can be disrespectful. At the same time, many shortcuts are used to abbreviate certain emotions (emoticons, on-line shortcuts such as “BTW,” “FYI,” etc.)—be careful about using these symbols because they can transform business correspondences into casual letters, and at the same time can leave recipients wondering what the emoticons and abbreviations actually mean.
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The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion • 632 8872175 • 632 8875687 • inquiries@theblueleaf.com.ph
100 Park Avenue, McKinley Hill Village,Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.
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