April 2011
We encounter people everyday…on the road, at work, with family and friends, and even out on the street. Our interactions with people always begin with that first impression. Whether made through a brief handshake, a smile, or a friendly “hello,” introductions can set the tone for partnerships that can last a lifetime. Make meeting people count, no matter what the situation, and build relationships that are founded on respect, courtesy, and consideration even from the get go.
Make Eye Contact.
Looking the person you’re meeting for the first time in the eye shows you’re being attentive and focused. Being distracted during an introduction by looking over the person’s shoulder or glancing around the room says you don’t care very much and can be off-putting not only to strangers, but to the person making the introduction.
Follow Up.
It's only polite to respond after a formal introduction is made. Carry on with the conversation with a simple "Glad to meet you" and "How are you?" Peppering introductions with casual and easy statements add warmth and help establish a certain level of familiarity among people.
Watch for Errors.
It's common for errors to happen when two people are being introduced. If your name was mispronounced, if your job description didn't match your current work situation, or if the person introducing you was misinformed, then it's only right for you to correct the mistake right away. Prolonging the conversation without pointing out any errors will only make it more awkward later on.
Be Considerate.
Make sure that all introductions in a group are complete before starting an actual conversation with someone. While it's perfectly acceptable to talk to one particular person when group introductions are made, remember that excluding everyone else should be avoided and it is only polite to keep the topic open to everyone.
The Blue Leaf is a great place to host parties, whether you're looking to entertain corporate clients or throw a get-together for friends and family. We can help you forge new bonds and make new memories, no matter what the occasion. For inquiries, call The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion at 898-BLUE or visit http://www.theblueleaf.com.ph/ for more information.
The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion • 632 8872175 • 632 8875687 • inquiries@theblueleaf.com.ph
100 Park Avenue, McKinley Hill Village,Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.
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