February 2011

The Internet has certainly sped up communications by introducing email and instant messaging. Chatting, whether through online web messengers or programs such as Yahoo! Messenger or Skype promotes easy access to family, friends and colleagues—no matter which part of the world they’re in.
With such an easy tool right at our fingertips, it is easy to forget that etiquette still rules, regardless of how advanced our technology may be. It helps to keep these simple reminders on hand, whether we’re signed in to catch up on the latest with our friends, or are on a business conference to discuss important professional matters online.
Manage your Multitasking.
Talking to someone online means being able to juggle several tasks all at the same time. You can have your IM (Instant Messenger) on while finishing up that Excel file, typing out a report, or even while you’re on the phone with a client. With so many distractions, it is easy to lose focus. Pay attention to the task at hand and always stay alert, instead of leaving your chat mate on the lurch.---
Mind your Status.
Leaving your IM status “Online” means you are open to receiving all sorts of messages—regardless of the topic. If you are busy with work and would not like to be bothered, let your contacts know by changing your status to “Busy” or “Do Not Disturb.” It’s a polite way of telling them that you can’t answer their messages at the moment.
Do not Spam.
If the person you are chatting with has become unresponsive, do not send repetitive messages or “buzz” him constantly. Remember that every time you message someone, you could be reaching them in the middle of some important business (especially during office hours). Save any gossip or unnecessary catching up for later, when your friend seems more open to talking.
Stay Alert.
While IMs are private, for the most part, remember that your chat windows are open on your computer and can be seen by coworkers walking behind you, or bosses seated near you. It’s all right to keep the conversation casual, but remember to leave the ultra-private talk for chatting at home.
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