November 2011
Whether you’re getting in touch with a client for business or ringing a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a while, phone calls have become a communication staple in this day and age. Conversations that don’t involve face time still pose a set of requisite manners that show consideration and thoughtfulness to the parties on both ends of the phone line.
Keep these in mind before dialing someone’s number and remember that a pleasant disposition always comes through, whether you’re on a voice or video call.
State your name.
When your call is answered by someone who does not recognize your voice, immediately identify yourself. Being straight to the point helps keep conversations brief and cuts lag time considerably.
Check if a conversation is possible.
Once you’re on the line with the person you want to speak to, ask if it is a good time to talk on the phone. You may, after all, have called at an inopportune time. Always offer to call the person back at a better time, in case he is unable to stay on the phone with you.
Leave a short message.
In case you are unable to talk to the person you’re calling, keep your messages concise. Scribbling complicated messages can be a hassle—you wouldn’t want the note-taker to mix up any important details as well.
Time it.
If you are making a business call or are attempting to contact someone who is not a close friend or relative, it is generally polite to get in touch with him or her between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM, excluding emergencies.
Keep it short.
The person who makes the call is typically the one who ends it—but if a call seems to be dragging on too long and taking much of your time, you may excuse yourself by saying that you simply must go. Wait for a break or pause in the conversation and say it firmly.
The Blue Leaf is a great place to host parties, whether you're looking to entertain corporate clients or throw a get-together for friends and family. We can help you forge new bonds and make new memories, no matter what the occasion. For inquiries, call The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion at 898-BLUE or visit http://www.theblueleaf.com.ph/ for more information.
The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion • 632 8872175 • 632 8875687 • inquiries@theblueleaf.com.ph
100 Park Avenue, McKinley Hill Village,Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.