March 2011
Traffic in and around the metro is one of the biggest challenges people in the city face. Whether it’s trying to find a free slot at the shopping mall on a Sunday or battling rush hour on the expressway, getting from one place to another can pose major problems to city folk. Another difficulty that vehicle owners face is parking—looking for an available space, maneuvering between tight spaces, and dealing with ill-mannered drivers.
Keeping your cool in even the toughest situations involves exercising courtesy, driving properly and maintaining calm. Follow these simple guidelines and eliminate road rage altogether.
Save Space for Others.
When parallel parking, don’t leave your car in the middle of a wide opening—it prevents other cars from benefitting from open parking spaces. Use the open space to maneuver easily into your spot, but back up or move forward to leave enough space for another car to park.---
Exit with Care.
After moving into a spot, exercise caution when opening your car door. You might have parked too closely to the next spot and might leave a dent in both your door and the other car if you open your door with too much force. Avoid any unnecessary damage (as well as alarms going off in the middle of the parking building).
It should go without saying that you should signal before moving into a spot, but most drivers forget—causing unwarranted arguments between drivers all aiming for the same spot. Use those hazards and blinkers and claim that spot the right way.
Act Fast.
When backing into a spot, drive carefully but also be conscious of the traffic you might be causing by moving forward and backing up into the space. Taking too much time can cause traffic jams around you, leaving other drivers hotheaded. Put yourself in the shoes of those around you and act accordingly.
The Blue Leaf is a great place to host parties, whether you're looking to entertain corporate clients or throw a get-together for friends and family. We can help you forge new bonds and make new memories, no matter what the occasion. For inquiries, call The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion at 898-BLUE or visit http://www.theblueleaf.com.ph/ for more information.
The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion • 632 8872175 • 632 8875687 • inquiries@theblueleaf.com.ph
100 Park Avenue, McKinley Hill Village,Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.